Green Software Speakers

Green Software Speakers

By: Community Working Group

No major conference should be without at least one speaker on Green software engineering. This project supports people in their speaking engagements when they talk about Green software, representing the GSF, or talking about one of our projects.

Anne Currie
Anne CurrieTech Ethics
Chris Adams
Chris AdamsCo-Director
Abhishek Gupta
Asim Hussain
Elise Zelechowski
Jenny Morgan
Neeru Verma
Rae Lyon
Sara Bergman
Sarah Hsu
Sherry List
Toru Shimogaki
Yusuke Kobayashi
Ziliang Zong
Interest in speaking about Green software?

If you are interested in speaking about Green software please fill out this form, this offer is open to anyone whether you are a member of the Green Software Foundation or not.
